Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Photo of the day(3)...........James River Flooding

The most interesting aspect of this photo is it is one of 10 shots at a rate of 8 frames per second.  This was the last frame shot.  It is also when I noticed that the water line was now about four feet closer to me.  How would the math go?  8 frames per second.  10 frames shot.  So lets say 1.5 seconds of shooting and the water came four feet closer.  Rising towards me at a rate of, lets see. 2.7 feet per second.  Multiplied by 60 to get a rate of 162 feet per minute and then another 60 to get a rate of 9600 feet per hour.   Divide by 5280 feet per mile and you get 1.8 miles an hour.  Not a speed freak pace but also not a warm fuzzy considering the volume.

This photo was created at the fishing boat launching parking lot just west of the US highway 65 overpass.  Its not in the frame of view but Farm Road 177 is just to the right of the end of the frame and it was flooding fast.  A few cars turned around but the tall four wheel drive pick ups kept barreling along through the rising water like kids playing in a puddle.  It seemed obvious that this section of Farm Road 177 would be closed very soon.

Click on image to enlarge

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